In the current literature, there is considerable heterogeneity in common terms related to infectious disease epidemiology and modelling. Furthermore, definitions of these terms are not often provided in research papers. This glossary presents a comprehensive list of terms and their definitions to unify the use and interpretation of infectious disease epidemiology and modelling terminology. Although the most frequently used definitions were included in this glossary, researchers may have alternative definitions for certain terms in the context of their research. Therefore, it is recommended that the readers first check for definitions provided by the authors when reading infectious disease mathematical modelling publications.
Asymptomatic infection
A stage of disease where an infected individual does not have clinical symptoms but may transmit the pathogen (asymptomatic infectious). An asymptomatically infected individual may or may not develop clinical symptoms in the future (pre-symptomatic infection).
Attack rate
Proportion of a population infected over a certain period of time.
Case detection
Surveillance strategy that can identify infectious individuals. The goal of Case detection is to reduce community transmission through isolation and/or treatment of infectious individuals within their households.
Close contact
Proximity to an infectious individual or pathogen within a certain distance and for a set duration. The mode of infection (e.g., sexual, airborne), distance, and time required for a Close contact or for successful transmission to occur depends on pathogen. A Close contact may result in an individual becoming infected, but not always.
Communicable disease
An illness that can be contracted through contact with an infected human, animal, or contaminated items carrying the pathogen. An infected person can transmit the Communicable disease to others.
An encounter between an infectious individual and susceptible individual that may lead to infection.
Contact rate pre-intervention
The daily interactions between susceptible and infectious people before any non-pharmaceutical public health interventions (such as physical distancing).
Contact rate reduction
The percentage of reduced interactions between susceptible and infectious individuals since implementation of non-pharmaceutical public health interventions.
Contact trace effectiveness
Speed and accuracy of identifying individuals who have been in contact with infectious individuals.
Contact trace implementation day
The day that Contact tracing started relative to the start of community transmission.