What CAN Antibiograms Tell us? Microbiological insights for antimicrobial stewardship 


The Canadian Antimicrobial Stewardship Webinars—or ‘CAN AMS!”—is a new webinar series focused on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) interventions. Leaders in AMS from across Canada share examples of what has been done to implement evidence-based interventions, with the goal to inspire what CAN be done to help slow the rise and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The series aims to:…

The Canadian Antimicrobial Stewardship Webinars—or ‘CAN AMS!”—is a new webinar series focused on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) interventions. Leaders in AMS from across Canada share examples of what has been done to implement evidence-based interventions, with the goal to inspire what CAN be done to help slow the rise and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The series aims to:

  • highlight and build greater knowledge of evidence-based AMS interventions
  • help bridge knowledge gaps and capacity challenges that can limit the development of AMS interventions in key settings, and
  • promote broad collaboration on AMS across regions, settings, and sectors.

CAN AMS! events promote a One Health frame for AMS to raise awareness for the interconnected drivers and consequences of AMR, and the need for shared solutions across human, animal and environmental health domains.


Monday, February 24, 2025  


Antibiograms are convenient antimicrobial stewardship tools, readily available in most Canadian contexts, but remain underutilized by clinicians. Our speakers illustrate and discuss how to use and correctly interpret these data for optimizing antimicrobial use.  

This event is suitable for healthcare providers working in community-based clinics, acute care hospitals (Adult / Children), emergency departments, and long-term care facilities, including general physicians, family physicians, other specialist physicians, nurse practitioners, microbiologists, and antimicrobial stewardship program leads.   

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will have: 

  1. Greater awareness of how antibiograms are produced;  
  2. Greater understanding of how clinicians can use antibiogram data to inform clinical decisions at the bedside; 
  3. Improved knowledge of limitations that must be considered for appropriate interpretation and generalizability of antibiograms. 

Harpa Isfeld-Kiely, MA 

Senior Project Manager, National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases 


Terence Wuerz, MD, FRCPC, MSc (Epi) 

Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine (Section of Infectious Diseases) and Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba 

Philippe Lagacé-Wiens, MD, DTM&H, FRCPC 

Assistant Professor in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, University of Manitoba;  Medical Microbiologist, Saint-Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg. 

CAN AMS! is co-hosted by the NCCID and AMMI Canada and supported by a national network of leaders in antimicrobial stewardship. For more information on the series, visit www.AMRAware.ca (webinars page).