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This webinar was presented in partnership with the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID) and CAAN Communities, Alliances & Networks.
Time & Date
Jan 29, 2024
1:00 p.m. ET
In the last few years, the Prairie provinces have seen a surge in new HIV and syphilis infections, with rates far surpassing the Canadian average. These intersecting epidemics are characterized by high rates of co-infection, and similar affected groups, with young women, Indigenous people, people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men being the most affected. Due to the increase in syphilis rates among young women, the number of babies being born with this infection has also grown to levels unprecedented in recent times.
This second webinar in a series on syphilis in Canada will investigate how these alarming developments can occur at a time when highly effective tools are available to prevent and treat both HIV and syphilis. Speakers will describe the Prairies’ intersecting HIV and syphilis crises, provide insights into social and structural factors contributing to increased transmission, and propose strategies to prevent, diagnose and treat infections.
Moderator: Shriya Hari, CATIE
- Margaret Kisikaw Piyesis, CAAN Communities, Alliances & Networks
- Zulma Rueda, MD, PhD, University of Manitoba
- Cara Spence, PhD, University of Saskatchewan
- Ameeta Singh, BMBS(UK), FRCPC, University of Alberta
- Yoav Keynan, MD, PhD, National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID); University of Manitoba
- Spencer Belanger, Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)
Please note: due to a technical issue, there is a problem with the recording’s audio beginning in the 29th minute. The problem resolves in the 43rd minute and does not reoccur for the rest of the session.