…to neuraminidase inhibitors. Oseltamivir resistance was first reported to be significant during the 2008-2009 influenza season, where seasonal influenza A (H1N1) in particular was implicated; how- More recent cohort studies…
…and services. However, for First Nation communities, the management and governance of data hold a unique significance beyond mere statistics and analytics. It’s about sovereignty – the right to control…
…forecasting that describes infections of COVID-19 in the community and also considers how infected people shed the COVID- 19 virus into the sewer systems and how that shed virus signal…
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…forecasting that describes infections of COVID-19 in the community and also considers how infected people shed the COVID- 19 virus into the sewer systems and how that shed virus signal…
…are your advices? Image by freepik on Freepik https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/flat-people-asking-questions-illustration_13379598.htm#query=question%20illustration&position=9&from_view=search&track=ais First Nations-led organizations are indeed overloaded with engagement requests that create significant pressures on their already scarce resources. To break this…
…et éloignées du Canada. Margaret : Dr Isaac, merci d’avoir répondu à notre invitation. Pourriez-vous nous expliquer brièvement quelles sont les différences entre les communautés nordiques et éloignées et les…
…combination of public and private providers. New ways of dealing with crowds at mass vaccination clinics must be devised (i.e. invitations and/or appointments). Vaccination strategies should continuously be revised as…
…to the WHO and the EU, upon invitation. Dr. Aral has over 200 publications on social and behavioral aspects of STD, epidemiology and prevention. Her work has focused on risk…
…documenting experiences and lessons learned from frontline public health practitioners during the H1N1 pandemic. To this end, NCCID invited animal and human health experts to an introductory workshop in Winnipeg…
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…of the country. Meant for communicable disease programs, outreach workers specializing in HIV/STBBI prevention, as well as groups representing priority populations, OPEN invites you to add your program and indicator…