KT Boost Infographics_Learning from Indigenous Leaders_2023

…can reduce transportation and resource access Changing interactions within these relationships can lead to loss of language and culture80 % Photo by SmartICE https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-018-0100-6.epdf?sharing_token=L9YCUtOu3T3pLgLHUAYHNdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0Nlxfg9aDwpfTJNvkjtOhlO3PFB-aZq2SSCNsoN66Y9xxtccyAcYckRRmUJ2xf8-h4y3aeRYCCOYFqFtSjlbOu8BMgXO78XvTHh9813X7K7a7bNxFpw2oINXZgKuvMf6jul_sTyJ8RIgpXduRlaLXhHXtLR5c8jwcAHGBx3d8CcKfzAf3iecGmGhPcEr7336mw%3D&tracking_referrer=www.nationalgeographic.com DISEASE SPREAD PERMAFROST HISTORY Public health…

KT Boost Infographics_Learning from Indigenous Leaders_why climate change is important

…has been made possible through a financial contribution of the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Agency. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-018-0100-6.epdf?sharing_token=L9YCUtOu3T3pLgLHUAYHNdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0Nlxfg9aDwpfTJNvkjtOhlO3PFB-aZq2SSCNsoN66Y9xxtccyAcYckRRmUJ2xf8-h4y3aeRYCCOYFqFtSjlbOu8BMgXO78XvTHh9813X7K7a7bNxFpw2oINXZgKuvMf6jul_sTyJ8RIgpXduRlaLXhHXtLR5c8jwcAHGBx3d8CcKfzAf3iecGmGhPcEr7336mw%3D&tracking_referrer=www.nationalgeographic.com https://nccid.ca/learning-from-indigenous-leaders-climate-change-and-public-health/…


…Ellice Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 3P5 Tel: (204) 943-0051 Fax: (204) 946-0927 Email: nccid@icid.com www.nccid.ca This publication was developed in consultation with independent experts and stakeholders. Production of this…


…among individuals, from asymptomatic infection to life-threatening complications such as respiratory distress syndrome. Common symptoms of blastomycosis include: cough or cough with blood, fever, shortness of breath, chills and/or night…


…étaient déjà venues dans cette région et en étaient reparties pour rejoindre leurs communautés respectives où elles ont commencé à propager le virus une fois malades. Bien que les mesures…


comprehension preparations. For long-term care, the key focus is trying to prevent the illness from coming into the home in the first place. We mentioned the restriction of visitors to…

1245 PM #5 – SK TB Elimination (Export)

…Primary care providers, Community Health Nurses (CHNs) on-reserve, Public Health Nurses (PHNs), TB Program Workers (TBPWs) A Provincial TB Strategy • A comprehensive strategy was required to respond to the…


…include disease induced deaths which is assumed to be the only death process in operation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Define the components/compartments/boxes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ State Definitions S Susceptible Lg Latent in the general population…

Group A Streptococcus

…PHAC- Pathogen Safety Data Sheet- Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A Strep) Treatment Treatment will vary depending on the type of GAS disease. In the absence of a GAS vaccine, antibiotics (e.g.,…