
instant communication, markets can be closed without warning upon receipt of unconfirmed information. The impact on the industry of a novel zoonotic influenza virus in the Canadian swine herd depends…


…their hosts deep into Canada; I. scapularis has been identified from every province, in one instance from Slave Lake, Alberta, a distance of 1760 kilometers from the nearest recognized population…


…that Canadians avoid all non-essential travel to DRC due to current political instability and security risks, the WHO advises against travel restrictions to the DRC based on the current EVD…


…addition, laboratory results were shared with their provincial epidemiology partners on a real-time basis. Immediately prior to the pan- demic, the Canadian PHLs installed a number of Laboratory Liason Technical…


…is the relative instability of results due to stochastic variability. We have somewhat overcome this latter limitation through performance of large numbers of simulations. The model assumes a period of…


…sustained and regular HIV medical care by conducting client-centered risk assessments to identify and reduce sources of instability (2). The study also recommended that sustained care can be achieved by…

PHAC Age Stratified SEIR Model 2022_V2

…(i.e., interventions which produce an instant effect and are applied Public Health Agency of Canada COVID-19 Age-stratified Model of Public Health Measures in Canada simultaneously to the entire target population…