…continue in the coming years. Studies to date have identified high risk endemic areas for Lyme disease within limited areas of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and British…
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The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
The National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH), one of six National Collaborating Centres created to foster linkages within the public health community, is located in the University of Northern…
Physical/ Social distancing
Restrictive measures reducing daily contact with others to slow or end the spread of a Communicable disease….
LDV Syringes Background_Final
…the syringe and needle after injection is completed 4 In the absence of the LDV syringes a regular 1ml syringe or a 3 ml syringe is still usable. Vaccine should…
Susie Taylor
Susie Taylor is a currently a Project Manager at NCCID. She is a knowledge translation professional with experience in community engagement, indigenous development and sustainability….
Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)
Measures which do not involve medication to reduce the spread of communicable diseases (e.g., physical distancing).
Monte Carlo simulation/ Monte Carlo method/ multiple probability simulation
A mathematical technique predicting outcomes of an uncertain situation, which produces an estimate range of values using probability distributions. This method is used with stochastic models (i.e., compartmental, network, individual-based)…
The Role of Cytokine Storm in Influenza Pathogenesis
…vascular barrier resulting in tissue edema, capillary leakage, multiple organ failure and death. There is no singular mechanism when it comes to inducing cytokine storm with respect to pandemic influenza…
State variable
Number of individuals in a compartment that can vary over time.
Between-host model
Used to describe host-pathogen interactions (compare Within-host model)….
Data‐driven model
Based on data and not on existing knowledge/assumptions (i.e., theory) (compare theory-driven model).
Within-host model
Used to describe cell-pathogen interactions (compare Between-host model)….