National Collaborating Centres for Public Health Covid-19 Resources

Since March, the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health have shifted focus to the COVID-19 pandemic. As each of our Centres works in different areas of public health, each has produced a variety of resources over the last few months. Below is a compilation of those resources and information about each Centre’s ongoing work during the current pandemic.

NCC for Determinants of Health

Webinar | Health equity, determinants of health and COVID-19 | To support equity-informed responses, the NCCDH hosted a series of community conversations connecting practitioners with each other, and provided an opportunity to share experiences, resources, questions and solutions-focused ideas.

Visit NCCDH’s Equity-informed responses to COVID-19 page for up-to-date resources related to health equity and the social determinants of health that are of relevance to Canadian public health.

NCC for Environmental Health

Guidance Document | Reducing COVID-19 Transmission Through Cleaning and Disinfecting Household Surfaces

Guidance Document | COVID-19 and outdoor safety: Considerations for use of outdoor recreational spaces

Guidance Document | Building Shutdown and Re-opening during the COVID-19 Pandemic (for property managers)

Environmental health practitioners have a key role to play in promoting general hygiene measures as well as addressing unique information needs as the pandemic affects all aspects of public and private life. The NCCEH has produced several guidance documents and curated resources from more than 50 Canadian and international public health agencies with topics including cleaning and sanitation, death care, food services and many more.

NCC for Indigenous Health

Voices from the Field Podcast | a series that focuses on innovative research and community-based initiatives promoting the health and well-being of First Nation, Inuit and Metis peoples in Canada. Several of the most recent episodes cover COVID-19 topics including mental health, midwifery, cultural connectedness, northern population risks and responsibility to elders during the pandemic. Listen here or on Soundcloud.

Fact-sheet | Maintaining the health and well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and teens during COVID-19

Webinar | Management of COVID-19 and the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

For additional resources and frequently-updated information specific to First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and communities, visit the NCCIH.

NCC for Methods and Tools

Evidence Review | It’s critical for public health organizations to work together across jurisdictions during this challenging time, so the NCCMT created rapid evidence reviews related to COVID-19 in an effort to reduce duplication of work and allow for collaboration with others across the country. The database is easily searchable and updated promptly.

To contribute, submit your contact information and the topic of your review here.