caAMR Consultation – Agenda and Presentations

February 10, 2010

  1. Welcome and breakfast
  2. Overview of NCCID and its role in addressing caAMR (Download Presentation)
  3. Overview of PHAC and its role in addressing AMR (Download Presentation)
  4. Presentations and discussions of lessons learned, priorities, and gaps identified in NCCID-commissioned comprehensive reviews
    • A review of Alternative Practices to Antimicrobial Use for Disease Control in the Commercial Feedlot (Download Presentation)
    • Strategies to Control Community-Associated Antimicrobial Resistance Among Enteric Bacteria and MRSA in Canada (Download Presentation)
    • Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Pigs and Chickens (Download Presentation)
  5. Expand understanding of the Canadian situation with respect to caAMR
  6. Introduction of participants and open mic sharing of AMR activities currently underway in Canada
  7. United States Strategy to address caAMR Interagency Taskforce on AMR and Get Smart Education Program (Download Presentation)
  8. European Union Stratecy to address caAMR
    • European Community Strategy Against AMR and European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (Download Presentation)
  9. Validate key areas of focus for Canada Facilitators
  10. Brainstorming on work to be done in each key focus area Working Groups
  11. Report back All participants
  12. Wrap up and preparation for Day 2 Facilitators

February 11, 2010

  1. Present consolidation of work from previous day, summarizing major themes and activities within each key focus area
  2. Prioritization of gaps and presentation of priorities
  3. Establish clear, manageable deliverables in each activity area
  4. Reporting back to all participants
  5. Feedback and refinement of activities
  6. Wrap up