A copy of this webinar is available upon request. Please contact NCCID Project Manager Harpa Isfeld-Kiely to learn more, or get in touch with our Centre via our general inbox.
April 18, 2018
12:30 – 1:30pm (CST)
The National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCCID), in collaboration with Do Bugs Need Drugs? and other national experts, presents the third event in the webinar series: Promising Strategies for Stewardship in Long Term Care.
This webinar continues to expand on the theme of building a foundation to establish antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) in long term care, and to identify promising implementation strategies.
Appropriate testing, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections, which are confounded by the significant prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in aged care settings, remain a priority and challenge for stewardship program leads, as participants in past webinars have attested. This webinar brings several perspectives to bear on stewardship strategies for UTIs, beginning with a presentation by Public Health Ontario on the development of a UTI program with 10 LTC homes in the province.
The speakers explain how implementation science methods contributed to their success and unpack the key strategies required to support implementation of the UTI program. Speakers also share promising results from a pilot evaluation, which demonstrated declines in both rates of urine culturing and antibiotic use in participating LTC homes. The webinar addresses the interests of LTC stewardship leaders in ways to systematize changes in practice and scale up UTI stewardship programs.
Invited discussants, including leads on AMMI Canada’s “Symptom Free Pee” campaign and Alberta’s Do Bugs Need Drugs? Program, among others, help participants reflect on different evidence-informed strategies, transferable lessons from Ontario and other jurisdictions, and what early or essential steps in UTI stewardship look like. An open Q&A session follows, inviting broader engagement by members of this emerging community of practice.
Learning Objectives
At this webinar, participants…
- Learn about the implementation science method used to develop this UTI program
- Gain understanding of lessons that can be drawn from evaluation results
- Consider examples of key strategies for implementation of a UTI program
- Gain lessons for overcoming barriers to change in practice and systematizing appropriate practice
- Consider lessons from other jurisdictions on where to start and how to scale up stewardship programs.
