TAN_MPXVWebinar (1)

…Severe pharyngitis (?esophagitis) impinging on airway, swallowing • Risk factors for more severe disease? • HIV status? • Young age • Pregnancy www.optionslab.ca darrell.tan@gmail.com http://www.optionslab.ca/ mailto:Darrell.tan@gmail.com Acknowledgements All our study…


…and communication by mail or telephone over electronic communication. Traditional methods of notifi cation are seen as caring, respectful, and courageous while IPN is seen as impersonal and insensitive. This…


…and communication by mail or telephone over electronic communication. Traditional methods of notifi cation are seen as caring, respectful, and courageous while IPN is seen as impersonal and insensitive. This…

NCCID_CFID Application_2022_ENG_Prepared

…form and supporting documentation by January 13, 2023, to cfid@researchid.com If you have questions, please contact Tracy Reed at reed@hhsc.ca mailto:cfid%40researchid.com?subject= mailto:reed%40hhsc.ca?subject=Question%20about%20CFID%20KT%20Award https://nccid.ca/ https://www.researchid.com/ APPLICANT Name Phone E-mail Alternate E-mail…


…favourable outcomes when dealing with Legionella infections. Therefore, Legionella should be considered when an individual presents with community acquired pneumonia, and if signs and symptoms are compatible with typical bacterial pathogens (hyperacute presentation, septic…


…a rejoint l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada en août 2021. Elle a, depuis lors, mis à profit ses compétences en modélisation mathématique pour développer et analyser des modèles…


…Dengue and Severe Dengue – Q&A Severity and Complications About 1 in 20 people infected with a dengue virus will experience complications and develop severe dengue. Severe dengue occurs when…

NCCID TB Forum Agenda

Printed agenda from NCC Knowledge Exchange Forum, Towards TB Elimination in Northern Indigenous Communities. Towards TB Elimination in Northern Indigenous Communities NCC Knowledge Exchange Forum Welcome to the NCC Knowledge…


…days Period of Communicability: Patients become contagious once they begin to show symptoms; they are not thought to be contagious during the incubation period. The case remains communicable as long…

Congenital Syphilis

…should receive the 10-day course of aqueous crystalline penicillin regardless of whether the neonate’s nontreponemal test is nonreactive, the complete evaluation is normal, and follow-up is certain. b A complete…