NCCID_H5N1 AI A_Fact Sheet

…who handle wild birds or mammals such as researchers or conservationists⁴ What are the signs & symptoms? How is H₅N₁ AI A diagnosed? Diagnosis is commonly made by obtaining a…

CCDR Publication Summary_Feb25

…surveillance data for cases in Canada. The study design is for the entire population in Canada and included varying levels of case detection and isolation, contact tracing and quarantining, and…


…Disease- Government of Canada Signs and Symptoms Anaplasmosis infections present with acute onset of fever, accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms or conditions: headache, malaise, myalgia, thrombocytopenia,…


…are your advices? Image by freepik on Freepik First Nations-led organizations are indeed overloaded with engagement requests that create significant pressures on their already scarce resources. To break this…


forecasting that describes infections of COVID-19 in the community and also considers how infected people shed the COVID- 19 virus into the sewer systems and how that shed virus signal…