
…use that are expected to be safe, immunogenic, efficacious, and of suitable quality for individuals Recommend vaccination strategies to promote health, prevent and control infectious diseases, and prepare for or…

NCCID 2022: Year In Review

…to promote greater clarity and understanding of mathematical modelling for public health decision-making. PHAC models on COVID-19 Canada’s response to Covid-19 is being guided by data and mathematical modelling. The Public Health…

PHAC: COVID-19 Vaccines Foundational Webinar Resources Health Canada’s COVID 19 Vaccine Approval ProcessDownload Role of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) in COVID-19 Vaccine PlanningDownload COVID-19 Vaccines in CanadaDownload The National Collaborating Centre…


promotion à la prévention, jusqu’aux soins palliatifs. Ces personnes sont donc bien placées pour être une voix et protéger la santé publique où qu’elles se trouvent, où qu’elles travaillent. Ce…


forecasting that describes infections of COVID-19 in the community and also considers how infected people shed the COVID- 19 virus into the sewer systems and how that shed virus signal…

NCCID_H5N1 AI A_Fact Sheet

…who handle wild birds or mammals such as researchers or conservationists⁴ What are the signs & symptoms? How is H₅N₁ AI A diagnosed? Diagnosis is commonly made by obtaining a…


…Disease- Government of Canada Signs and Symptoms Anaplasmosis infections present with acute onset of fever, accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms or conditions: headache, malaise, myalgia, thrombocytopenia,…