
…a cluster randomized trial in which children and adolescents in Hutterite communities were randomly as- signed to receive seasonal influenza vaccination (53). They found that immunizing children and adolescents significantly…


…30-34) – Canada.ca https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/fluwatch/2022-2023/weeks-30-34-july-23-august-26-2023.html • The 2022-2023 national influenza epidemic started at the end of October 2022, relatively early. • H3N2 was the predominate strain. • This season significantly impacted…


…a cluster randomized trial in which children and adolescents in Hutterite communities were randomly as- signed to receive seasonal influenza vaccination (53). They found that immunizing children and adolescents significantly…

Congenital Syphilis

…General Congenital syphilis is re-emerging and has risen significantly in recent years. Nearly all provinces and territories experienced significant increases in the rate of syphilis between 2014-2018, with an overall…


…and wastewater signals since February 2022, the recent trend of the wastewater signal (bottom panel, brown curve) suggests a larger increase in new cases than what clinical data indicates. This…