
…from around 50% in Alberta and Manitoba to approximately 85% in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Quebec. • Although the HPV vaccine has the potential to play a significant role in…

Formatted_Scan_Emerging Infect_final

…event serious? (b) Is the event unusual or unexpected? (c) Is there a significant risk of international spread? (d) Is there a significant risk of international travel or trade restrictions?…

Zika Environmental Scan Summary and Analysis

…The Ontario Health Promotion and Protection Act was amended to replace “reportable disease” with “disease of public health significance”. As well, the power of the Minister was clarified with respect…


…this site on December 19, 2021 and the Omicron signal has remained high throughout March and into April. Av er ag e Fr eq ue nc y of V OC…


…weeks. Montreal Despite a relatively good agreement between clinical and wastewater signals, the recent trend of the wastewater signal (bottom panel, brown curve) suggests a larger increase in new cases…

Rural and Remote PP_4

…mailed them vaccine invitation letters. A concurrent promotional campaign was conducted in local newspapers, radio and cable TV, and posters were put up in pharmacies and community locations. The trial…

AMR Glossary of Terms_Final_Katrime_Second

…reported. Health Issues and Risks (pp. 147–187). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813290- 6.00007-X Antimicrobial stewardship Coordinated interventions designed to promote, improve, monitor, and evaluate the judicious use of antimicrobials so as to…

AMR Glossary of Terms_Final_Katrime_2

…reported. Health Issues and Risks (pp. 147–187). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-813290- 6.00007-X Antimicrobial stewardship Coordinated interventions designed to promote, improve, monitor, and evaluate the judicious use of antimicrobials so as to…