Dr. Tom Wong

…McGill, Harvard and Columbia. His public health work includes engagement with Indigenous Communities, HIV, hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis, influenza, vaccine preventable diseases, antimicrobial resistance, chronic diseases, mental health,…


…79 % Pop. Coverage • 20 sites (42 cities / communities) • Provincial / Academic / Federal • Alberta Precision Labs / U. of Alberta / U. of Calgary Saskatchewan…

Stefan Iwasawa

…200 participants. He was also a key player collecting data, contacting participants, and creating network diagrams for a British Columbia Livestock Movement snapshot project. (From http://www.centreforcoastalhealth.ca) Phone: 250.753.3245 x 2889…

Dr. Darrell Tan

…diseases physician and Clinician-Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital, where he leads the Options Collaboratory in HIV/STI Treatment and Prevention Science (www.optionslab.ca). His research focuses on clinical trials and implementation science…

Theory‐driven model

Builds upon assumptions or existing knowledge about relationships (e.g., effectiveness of an intervention) (compare to data-driven model).

Stochastic model

In contrast to deterministic models, stochastic models have random components; parameters or variables could be random (i.e., can be represented with a probability distribution)….

Mechanistic model

Describes real-world interactions pertaining to infection transmission, pathogenesis, and measures of control such as vaccination (compare Phenomenological model)….

Deterministic model

The average measure (e.g., rates) of a system (e.g., populations) is described without randomness; in other words, the outcome is fixed (compare Stochastic model)….