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…FDA drug safety communication: increased risk of death with Tygacil (tigecycline) compared to other antibiotics used to treat similar infections. Available: http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm224370. htm [Accessed Sept 26, 2011] 46. Wernli D,…


…FDA drug safety communication: increased risk of death with Tygacil (tigecycline) compared to other antibiotics used to treat similar infections. Available: http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm224370. htm [Accessed Sept 26, 2011] 46. Wernli D,…

Renewal National Vaccine Coverage Goals_2025-2030_NIS Summit_EN

…Network Council 4 Background https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/immunization-vaccine-priorities/national-immunization-strategy.html https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/national-immunization-strategy-objectives-2016-2021.html https://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/ccdr-rmtc/08pdf/34s2-eng.pdf • A target of 95% was established for infants, 2 and 7-year-olds; 90% for adolescents. • To date, none of the NVCGs have…


…have been in constant communication and that’s really in an effort to make the testing as efficient as possible. I mean you had labs in BC who used one commercial…


…symptoms in addition to acute gastroenteritis, with the most common symptoms being diarrhea (watery, non-bloody), vomiting (more common in children), nausea, stomach pain, and cramping. Fever, chills, headache, body and muscle…

Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Canada: What public health needs to know

…new implementation challenges (2023) Canada Communicable Disease Report, 49(1) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/reports-publications/canada-communicable-disease-report-ccdr/monthly-issue/2023-49/issue-1-january-2023/novel-six-month-oral-treatment-pre-extensively-drug-resistant-tuberculosis.html Hirama T, Sabur N, Derkach P, McNamee J, Song H, Marras T, Brode S. Risk factors for drug-resistant tuberculosis at a referral centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 2010–2016 (2020) Canada Communicable Disease…


…à des collègues qui sont très engagées auprès de communautés agricoles, soit des mailto:nccid@umanitoba.ca http://www.nccid.ca/ producteurs ou parfois simplement des universitaires ou des vétérinaires travaillant dans ces contextes. C’était vraiment…


…Prevention in Prisons? HIV infection is a significant health issue that faces inmate populations. As people come to prison from communities and return to communities upon release, public health care…