
…two oncogenic, high risk HPV ‘vaccine- preventable’ types 3, 6 . After HPV 16 and 18, HPV 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, and 58 are the most common oncogenic types…


…two oncogenic, high risk HPV ‘vaccine- preventable’ types 3, 6 . After HPV 16 and 18, HPV 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, and 58 are the most common oncogenic types…


…from: https://www.who.int/news/ item/15-02-2023-fourth-meeting-of-the-international-health- regulations-(2005)-(ihr)-emergency-committee-on-the-multi- country-outbreak-of-monkeypox-(mpox) 43. ClinicalTrials.gov. Trial to Evaluate the Immunogenicity of Dose Reduction Strategies of the MVA-BN Monkeypox Vaccine [Internet]. US National Library of Medicine . 2022 [cited…


…in major urban centres where there are large numbers of media outlets. The Value of Community Involvement  Community Input – Input from community helps set the tone for campaigns…


…in major urban centres where there are large numbers of media outlets. The Value of Community Involvement  Community Input – Input from community helps set the tone for campaigns…

ENG Quebec Survey Report_English_2021_21_03

…11 https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/372/bmj.n405.full.pdf 12 https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/social-prescribing 13 https://santemontreal.qc.ca/en/professionnels/drsp/sujets-de-a-a-z/coronavirus-sars-cov-2-ou-covid-19/maladie-a-coronavirus-copie- 1/#c45036 14 https://refips.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/COVID19_SOC_UIPES_REFIPS_final.pdf https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/372/bmj.n405.full.pdf https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/social-prescribing https://santemontreal.qc.ca/en/professionnels/drsp/sujets-de-a-a-z/coronavirus-sars-cov-2-ou-covid-19/maladie-a-coronavirus-copie-1/#c45036 https://santemontreal.qc.ca/en/professionnels/drsp/sujets-de-a-a-z/coronavirus-sars-cov-2-ou-covid-19/maladie-a-coronavirus-copie-1/#c45036 https://refips.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/COVID19_SOC_UIPES_REFIPS_final.pdf 16 APPENDIX 1 List of themes addressed in the questionnaire for the survey conducted in February…


…on three comprehensive reviews commissioned by NCCID: • A Review of Alternative Practices to Antimicrobial Use for Disease Control in the Commercial Feedlot (Carl Ribble, Centre for Coastal Health) •…