NIS Renewal Summit

…PAs and VisionDownload NIS Renewal Summit – Background DocumentDownload For further reference NIS Participant ListDownload NIS Final Report 2003Download NIS-TG Executive Report (March 5, 2013)Download NIS-TG Technical Report (March 5,…

Big Data for Infectious Diseases Surveillance and the Potential Contribution to the Investigation of Foodborne Disease in Canada

( More advanced analytical tools are constantly under development including the potential to combine WGS data with spatiotemporal epidemiological data within single Bayesian inference models and to construct more accurate…


comprehensive but not redundant. The study inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined (Table 1) and used to establish a priori search terms, search strings, and medical subject heading (MeSH) terms…


comprehensive but not redundant. The study inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined (Table 1) and used to establish a priori search terms, search strings, and medical subject heading (MeSH) terms…


…existants, y compris les programmes d’immunisation.  Ontario : Le Comité sur l’immunisation de l’Ontario (Ontario Immunization Committee) est l’un des quatre comités consultatifs composés d’experts et un comité de…